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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:27:37
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1. There is also the magnificent Zhangzhou Coastal Volcano National Geology Park, with its volcanic outlet in the shape of the eight fortune telling diagrams.

2. This form of traditional fortune telling has been her hobby since she was 15 years old and is a family tradition.

3. For a more supernatural experience, the pavilion features an exotic form of fortune telling.

1. I don`t believe in fortune telling.

2. We should not believe in fortune telling.

3. I can do fortune telling, show me your hand.

4. fortune telling

4. What is your opinion about fortune telling?

5. This is not a fortune telling tool - yet when

6. But all kinds of fortune telling are groundless and people talk about them just for fun.

7. Do you believe in online fortune telling?

8. I don't believe in astrology or fortune-telling.


9. That`s the fortune-telling error, when you falsely predict what`s going to happen.

10. Now that people are no longer superstitious, fortune-telling as a profession is finished.

11. The next task I have mentioned time and pay above that is also closely related to the fortune-telling.

12. I don't know about fortunes or fortune-telling.

13. Do you believe in astrology, tarot cards, and fortune-telling?

14. Currently, there are already web stations that offer the service of fortune telling through drawing of fortune studs.


15. Since I was in middle school, all the people around me think I will have a daughter instead of a son. And when fortune telling by myself, I also get the same result. I had hoped that there would be miracles for me to get a son instead of a daughter.


16. A graphologist should be given this information beforehand. Handwriting analysis is not a fortune-telling tool.

17. Those precious records are the very important first-hand materials for studying of histories of Shushu(数术, magical calculation or fortune telling), medicine during the Pre-Qin period, culture of the Chu State, ancient philosophy, etc. Additionally, they can be mutually compared and verified with some classics, such as Chutse(楚辞, a collection of poems complied by Liu Hsiang﹝刘向﹞, and other unearthed ancient literature, such as RiShu(日书, date-reckoning books).

18. Jaggers is cold and brief; he reveals nothing about the source ofPip's fortune, simply telling him that his income will be fivehundred pounds a year and refusing to take responsibility for theoutcome.

19. fortune telling是什么意思

19. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling.


20. Using the example of judging a person's physiological condition by facial color in medical science, President Lin Chun-shin explained that the information revealed by colors might be more scientific than fortune telling. Thus, colors could be used as one of the parameters for human interaction with the environment, but it is by no means unlimited.

People in various cultures have used the anklebones of domestic artiodactyls in games and fortune-telling for millennia.(不同文化区域的人们都爱用国内偶蹄动物踝骨做游戏或者占卜。)
Old man by a fortune-telling, and destroyed the happiness of life.(被一个算命的老头,毁掉了一生的幸福。)
We really all ought to do much more fortune-telling. By this, I don't mean we should try to look at tomorrow or the day after.(我们所有人真的都应该多去算算命,我的意思并不是让大家试图通过算命去看看明天或者后天(会发生什么)。)
The front room is Veronica's fortune-telling parlor, equipped with crystal ball, tarot CARDS, and a map of the palm of your hand.(前面的房间是维罗尼卡的算命营业室,摆着水晶球,塔罗牌,还有一幅你的手掌的示意图。)
Tess, being left alone with the younger children, went first to the outhouse with the fortune-telling book, and stuffed it into the thatch.(苔丝一个人留下来,同弟弟和妹妹呆在一起,就先拿着那本算命的书走到屋外,把它塞进茅草屋顶里。)
I am not overpass fortune-telling, Lao out so much love to hear you.(我不是天桥上算命的,唠不出那么多你爱听的磕。)
Do you believe in astrology, tarot CARDS, and fortune-telling?(你相信占星术、塔罗牌、算命之类的东西?)
Easy language to fortune telling entertainment game source code, game programming source code, a good reference.(说明:易语言算命娱乐小游戏源码,游戏娱乐编程源码,很好的参考资料。)
I've tried every kind of fortune telling, such as Chinese astrology, face reading and the Western horoscope.(我已经试过各种算命的方法,像紫微斗数、面和西洋占星术。)
Now that people are no longer superstitious , fortune-telling as a profession is finished.(现在的人都不迷信了,因此算命这一行就算完了。)
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